Nutritional status and longevity study of kunapajala

Nutritional status and longevity study of kunapajala at fortnight interval prepared by utilizing different carrier materials

Amit Kumar Mahto

The present experiment has been conducted at the laboratory of IRTDM faculty centre of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Morabadi, Ranchi-834008 during January-2014 to May-2014 to study the nutritional status and longevity of Kunapajala[Sanskrit word ‘kunapa’ means smelling like dead body, stinking and ‘jala’ means water. Thereby, Kunapajala means water smelling like a dead body. It contains mainly cow dung, cow urine, water and any animal flesh like flesh part of fishes, poultry birds or animals. Fresh cow dung, cow urine, animal waste and water at 1:1:1:2 ratios are taken in a bucket and mixed properly. Then allow this mixture to ferment in a shady place for 25-30 days aerobically (by stirring twice daily) to get mother solution of Kunapajala] after mixing with different carrier materials based on their maximum absorption capacity at their respective saturation points. The treatments combinations were: T1= FYM (500g) + Kunapajala mother solution (450 ml); T2=Vermicompost (500 g) + Kunapajalamother solution (640 ml); T3   =Poultry litter (500 g) + Kunapajala mother solution (820 ml); T4   = FYM (250 g) + Vermicompost (250 g) + Kunapajala mother solution (560 ml); T5   =FYM (250 g) + Poultry litter (250 g) + Kunapajala mother solution (670 ml); T6  =Vermicompost (250 g) + Poultry litter (250 g) + Kunapajala mother solution (728 ml); T7=Vermicompost (166.66 g) + Poultry litter (166.66 g) + FYM (166.66 g) + Kunapajala mother solution (728 ml) and T8= Control [Kunapajnala (mother solution) only].   From the experiment, it was revealed that T3 was the best treatment among all other treatments when nutritional status of the treatment in respect of the nutrient contents was taken into consideration. On the contrary, T6 (vermicompost + poultry litter + kunapajala) has emerged as the best treatment in terms of longevity/shelf-life with desirable levels of almost all studied parameters that remain either unchanged or increased for longer periods after the preparation of kunapajala when mixed with treatment based carrier materials.

Keywords: Kunapajala, Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Poultry litter, Vermicompost, Poultry flesh, Cow urine and Cow dung.