Effect of Shasyagavya on Yield and Quality

Effect of Shasyagavya on Yield and Quality Attributes of Tomato cv. Swarna Lalima

Dashrath Oraon

A field experiment was conducted during October2014 to February-2015 at the experimental farm of IRTDM Faculty Centre, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Ranchi to find out and observe the influence of different concentrations of Shasyagavya on yield and quality attributes of Tomato cv. Swarna Lalima. The treatments combinations were: T1 = Shasyagavya (5%); T2 = Shasyagavya (10%); T3 = Shasyagavya (15%); T4 = Shasyagavya (20%); T5 = Shasyagavya (25%); T6 = Shasyagavya (30%) and T7 = Control (without any Shasyagavya). The experiment comprises of the application of organic manure (vermicompost) as basal dose followed by application of Shasyagavya at 15 days interval starting from 21 days after transplanting. It was observed that almost all the growth and yield attributes were highly influenced with the application of Shasyagavya with its different concentrations. In this context, T3 [Shasyagavya (15%)] emerged as the best treatment where maximum fruit yield of 46.07 t/ha with the highest benefit cost ratio of 11.48 was recorded. Higher yield may not be associated with the higher quality attributes, thereby, when quality traits were taken into consideration it was observed that different treatments performed independently but all cases it is obvious that Shasyagavya has some influenced over the quality attributes of the crop. As a consequence, Shasyagavya containing treatments showed better results on different studied quality parameters over the control treatment.

Key words: Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, Swarna Lalima, Shasyagavya, Yield attributes, Quality parameters, Benefit cost ratio.