Yield and quality of onion cv. N-53

Yield and quality of onion cv. N-53 as influenced by different concentrations of sasyagavya

Subrata Ghosh

The present study has been conducted during the rabi-summer season of 2013-2014 at the experimental farm of Integrated Rural &Tribal Development and Management Faculty Centre of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Morabadi, Ranchi, Jharkhand. Different concentrations of Sasyagavya @ 200 litre/ha were applied twice as split doses at 30 day after planting (DAP) and again at 60 DAP and considered as different treatments viz. Sasyagavya 5% (T1); Sasyagavya-7.5% (T2); Sasyagavya-10% (T3); Sasyagavya-12.5% (T4); Sasyagavya-15% (T5); Sasyagavya-17.5% (T6); Sasyagavya-20% (T7); absolute control withoutSasyagavya (T8) and Farmer’s practice (T9). For all treatments, FYM @ 20t/ha was applied as basal dose during final land preparation. Onion cv. N-53 was used as planting material for the experiment by adopting Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications for each and every treatment. Several yield and quality attributing characters of the crop were studied. Results found to be significant in most of the studied characters of both yield and quality parameters. Maximum values for bulb weight (57.45 g), bulb diameter (5.30 cm), plant height (68.62 cm), leaf number (11.25), neck diameter (1.85 cm), harvest index (89.99%),TSS (16.570 Brix), ascorbic acid (23.58 mg/ 100 g), total sugar (7.19%) and reducing sugar (4.71%) were recorded indifferent organic treatments except in the cases of Farmer’s practice. Highest yield of onion (24.96 t/ha) was recorded in T5 with 15%Sasyagavya application. The economics study revealed the profitability of the onion grown through the application of Sasyagavya15% (T5) with the benefit cost ratio of 6.5. From the findings it may be concluded that the farmers can harness more profit from onion by adopting organic package of practices with the application of Sasyagavya 15% solution (T5).

Key Words: Onion; Allium cepa; N-53; Organic Farming; Yield, Ascorbic acid; TSS, Total sugar, Benefit: Cost ratio.