Production Potentiality Study of Some Important Vegetables

Production Potentiality Study of Some Important Vegetables through Organic, Conventional and Advance Management Situations under the Chhotanagpur Plateau Region of Jharkhand

B. Sushil Kumar

The present investigation on “Production potentiality study of some important vegetables through organic, conventional and advance management situations under the Chhotanagpur plateau region of Jharkhand” has been conducted by selecting four important vegetables viz. Tomato, French bean, Onion and Spinach. The experiment was conducted at Larta village of Karra block in Khunti district of Jharkhand on the farmer’s field during October-2011 to May-2012. Most of the vegetable growers of that region grow their crops by following classical and traditional system. As a consequence, they get minimum profit from their crops instead of growing different vegetables throughout the year even in the large scale. Most of the vegetables grown in this region are to some extent organic by default. Thereby, an impetus was given during formulation of plan for the present investigation towards organic package of practices. The population of our country is increasing day by day, therefore, need for different vegetables are increasing proportionately. In this background, advance package of practices for growing selected vegetables were also accommodated in the present study. Though toxic residual effects of different chemicals in advance package of practices derived produce may cause health as well as environmental hazards. In this context, priority was given in this experiment to adopt organic package of practices for growing such selected vegetables. The results for almost all cases showed that advance growing condition is the most profitable venture in terms of yield and benefit cost ratio followed by organic package of practices. The net profit as well as benefit cost ratio was recorded higher for advance followed by organic and conventional growing environments of tomato [Rs. 221200/- and 4.57; Rs. 135670/- and 3.80; Rs. 31300/- and 2.14; respectively], French bean [Rs. 187220/- and 4.08; Rs. 99500/ and 3.06; Rs. 16010/- and 1.43; respectively], onion [Rs. 205200/- and 4.42; Rs. 142160/- and 3.63; Rs. 50580/- and 2.26; respectively] and spinach [Rs. 144960/- and 3.66; Rs. 72300/- and 2.52; Rs. 33180/- and 1.91; respectively] from one hectare of land. The conventional package of practices showed very negligible profit, on the other hand, minimum or negligible differences in terms of profit were documented in between advance and organically grown vegetables. In this perspective, organic package of practices may be emerged as the best alternative for growing the safest vegetables in the Chhotanagpur plateau region of Jharkhand even in commercial scale.

Key Words: Tomato; Solanum lycopersicum; French bean; Phaseolus vulgaris; Onion; Allium cepa; Spinach; Spinacia oleracea; Organic Farming; Advance Package of Practices; Benefit Cost Ratio; Jharkhand.